The Myth Behind Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy

For those who want to visit the attraction unique myths tourism, maybe the Trevi Fountain in Italy is one of the places that must be visited. Trevi Fountain is one of the most famous fountains in the world. Trevi Fountain is a greatest fountain with Baroque style that it placed in the capital of Italy, Rome.
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The building that also called Fontana di Trevi by the local people, was built in 1732 on the orders of Pope Clement XII and designed by Nicola Salvi. The construction of the Trevi Fountain was just completed in 1762 after his work was delayed because of the death of Nicola Salvi in 1751. Giuseppe Pannini, an Italian architect who then continued this work and then design a figurative story depicted in the statue of Trevi Fountain. The statues are replacing the original plan of making sculptures of Agrippa and the design of Nicola Salvi Trivia.
Trevi Fountain has a height of 26.3 m and 49.5 m wide with a lot of statues that adding exoticism of this fountain. This fountain looks typical for European architecture decorated art from the 17th century. It is looked from the many details of the ornaments in the form of carvings and statues around it. Figurines and ornaments in the Trevi Fountain is not just an ordinary ornament. There is a story behind every meaning of decorative detail. The statues are told of "Taming of the Waters" or the story of someone who tame water.
In the middle of the fountain there is Neptune or Poseidon depicted (the god of the sea) that are shell-shaped chariot ride. The train is pulled by two horses tail-shaped sea monster driven by Triton (a sea god who has the form of a dolphin's tail). On one side, the horse looks calm and obedient, while on the other side, looks horses are restless and seem to want to rebel. This is a picture of the nature of the sea, sometimes hostile, but can also turn out to be dangerous.
image source: cinemaarteecultura com
On the left there is a relief statue of Neptune abundance (prosperity) which was pouring water from the jug. On the right side, there is Salubrity (health) that is holding water being drunk by a snake. This story illustrates about the construction of Aqua Virgo aqueduct, with a statue depicting one of the builders, Agrippa. Palazzo (palace) Poly with a design that is in harmony with the mountain looks so beautiful as Trevi background decorate this fountain.
However, not only the beauty of the architecture that makes tourists curious about this attraction. Trevi Fountain also store unique myth by throwing coins into the fountain. This unique myth often attracts millions of tourists from all over the world to prove the truth.

The main attraction of the Fontana di Trevi is a myth throwing coins into the pond water. The way is to throw it back to the side of the fountain. If successfully cast it into the pond, it is believed that one day we would return to the city. Coins are collected in the pond is estimated to amount to € 3,000 every day. This money is then used for subsidies for the poor and needy to be used to shop at a supermarket in the city of Rome. 
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