Megalithic Monuments of Mount Padang, Indonesia
back to find valuable objects of old age. This place has become a favorite for archaeologists
who like to look for historical relics. Some of the objects found in Mount
Padang megalithic site were last exhibited.
A variety of interesting objects found there.
There is a beautiful ceramic shard. There are also recent findings in the form
of ancient metal coins. Metal coins were found at a depth of 11 meters from the
top of the site. The coins were estimated made of bronze. The coin is about
1.7 cm and the dominance of green color on its surface. It's just that this coin is still a mystery because
of storing historical background is not known with certainty. The interesting
thing is in the appearance which has carved a circle as many as 84 pieces with
a diameter of 0.11 millimeters.
Of the carbon test, may indicate that the age of
the coin was over thousands of years Before Century. However, these results are
still not accurate and still another proof test is required in order to be
justified scientifically.
In addition, there are other findings of
so-called Beliung Persegi (Tornado Square). Tools that are commonly found in
several other ancient sites in Indonesia. The square pickaxe to its name with a
thinner tip and used weapons Like the ax.
The display also shows some other findings such
as the number of shards of pottery, various kinds of rock, and other coins with
a younger age. Various objects were also included findings from the surrounding
community. The objects were discovered before the team studied intensively at
the megalithic site.