Hanging Temple, Extreme Tourism, Temples in China in the Steep Cliffs

You are interested to extreme tourist? Hanging temple in China may be one of the attractive tourist destinations. Hanging Temple is located at the foot of Mount Heng, Shanxi, China. Viewed at a glance, this temple is indeed looks very different from the temple in general. If temples are generally built in a relatively flat, strategic and easily accessible to visited all the people, so, in contrast to this one temple. This unique temple built just hang on the side of a steep cliff. This is why the ​​public named this temple, as the Hanging Temple.
image source: niceartfile.com
This shrine stands on the cliffs as high as 75 meters. Because it’s extreme, this temple became one of the favorite tourist spot for local and international tourists. Many tourists are attracted to come to this temple because to reach this temple there is an interesting challenge. They need to up to the bridge which is quite a lot. Moreover, the temple that hanging on edge of the cliff would make a stunning sensation during a visit to this place.

image source: tahitiangoddes.wordpress.com
There is not only one temple over there. There are 40 temples hanging freely in this steep cliff. This temple was built attached to the cliff with some wood retaining that look extends downward. A number of pleasures you'll feel from these historic statues, ancient cupboards, various ornaments from clay, as well as stone carvings in the number of different Dynasties. Not only that, the view behind the cliffs around the Hanging Temple is also extraordinarily beautiful.
This cliff temple construction has a specific purpose. This temple was originally built on a cliff to avoid the severe flooding that formerly often occurs in areas of Shanxi. In addition, this temple can also be a patron from the rain, sun and snow. This temple has been built since 1500 years ago. Until now, the temple is still a place of prayer and also a tourist destination.

Interested to come and feel the sensation of this Hanging Temple? Then immediately prepare your trip to get there. But of course, touring in the Hanging Temple is not recommended for people who phobia of heights.
image source: tahitiangoddess.wordpress.com

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