The Successfull of 38th World Championship 2014 Military Parachuting

The German contingent announced as the overall champion in the men's world championship military parachuting 38th which took place in Solo, Central Java, Indonesia on 17 to 28 September 2014. In the freestyle, the German parachutist, Weber Elischa, emerged as male winners, followed Jirousek Libor from the Czech Republic and the French Jean Vignales. While in the women's group, the Russian athlete, Furman Evgeniia, emerged as the champion followed compatriot Olga Kravchenko and Deborah Ferrand of France in third. Indonesian contingent as host, winning gold and silver medals were won by two athletes namely Putu and Dessy A.
Meanwhile, a team of Belgian men parachuting back retain the world championship title in numbers formation skydive '38th World Championship 2014 Military parachuting', in Adi Soemarmo airfield, Wednesday (25/9). Belgian collect the highest points 289, so that he right to defend his winner as the current championship in China last year.
In the second place, Qatar scored 231, while Spain is third with 211 points scooped. Belgian success in this number has indeed been predicted since the beginning of the championship. Chairman of the Belgian contingent, Captain Andy Grauwels, said to be the best in formation skydive is the target of Belgium. As for the number of category formation skydive women's team captured the United States contingent.
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This championship was followed by 450 athletes consisting of male and female from 42 states and 11 countries as observers. The event was officially closed by Vice Admiral TNI TNI chief Ade Supandi at Manahan Stadium Solo, Indonesia on Saturday. This activity was considered very important and was expected to be held continuously. This is because this kind of sports activities is not only to foster a sense of discipline for members of the military, but also can strengthen the friendship between countries. Therefore, this event has been scheduled to be held again in 2015 in South Korea.
This championship also gets extraordinary rave from residents in this area. This can be proved in the championship areas that were always packed with spectators, including at Manahan Stadium, South Square, the Palace Kasunanan and in Panasan. In addition, there are also activities carried out in the Sunset Jump Brahma Field complex of Prambanan Temple Tourism Park. In this event in Prambanan was also to give an award of honorary wing free fall to 60 paratroopers from 42 countries.  Jump Sunset Events is part of the culture, visit the post 'The 38th Conceal International du Sport Militaire(CISM) World Military parachuting Championship 2014', which aims to introduce the Indonesian tourism

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